I am in the middle of a major redesign and reworking of my golf wardrobe. I have always worn the cutest clothes in the winter, but this time I intend to take it to another level.
I talked to my long-time friend Tiago about what he was doing for golfing in winter. As you can imagine, he’s been wearing a lot of layers and long sleeve shirts. He said, “I really like this old turtleneck that I have.” We ended up going to a very cool vintage store and bought some awesome turtoges. I also bought this amazing shirt which has an amazing pattern of spots on it:
We wanted to buy more, but they had already sold out of the shirts that day. Needless to say we went back the following week (too late now) and got five more! The store owner has many other cool shirts there as well. He’s a great guy and his store is very nice and cozy:
We ended up buying two more shirts each, one plain blue and one with flames on it (very cool). They were all super comfortable and made wearing sweaters in the cold hours after play less painful. Tiago also picked up some beanies for us as well. We
If you’re going to golf in winter, you should consider the weather. Instead of focusing on the temperature, think about how you’ll feel when you’re out there. Minus twenty degrees Fahrenheit is a lot more comfortable than minus thirty or forty.
One good rule of thumb is to wear layers. When it’s cold out, it’s hard to get heated air moving through your clothes, so you’ll end up with less heat transfer than you would at sixty or seventy degrees. Warmth doesn’t last long: you’ll have to dry yourself out after you’ve been in the cold for a while.
A lot of golfing in the winter takes place at public courses that aren’t heated to comfortable temperatures. But those courses are usually open all year round; if you don’t mind walking around in the cold for an hour or two, why not?
You can also go out and play on private courses, which are heated year round. The only problem is that they tend to be expensive and most of them are extremely exclusive. But some of them are owned by private clubs that give members discounts on their annual dues ($1,000 a year may be required). And some of those clubs offer membership at much lower rates for non-club members. If you’re
Here are some tips for golfers on cold days:
Go for long pants, not short pants.
Tuck in your shirt.
Bring extra layers to wear under your jacket.
Bring a hat and gloves if it is cold.
Leave the valuables in the car or hotel room.
Wear footwear that won’t get wet when you get out of the water or onto ground covered by snow.
Winter golf has become quite popular in recent years, and for good reason. When you take into account that the average golfer spends more time on the driving range than practicing shots around the greens, there’s really not a lot of difference between golf in summer and winter. With a little planning and foresight, your game will be just as good in winter as it is in summer.
Just like spring, fall and spring, golfing in winter can be fun. The tricky part is finding the right clothes to complement your sport.
Many golfers are overly concerned with what they wear while playing, but here at Golf Wear Blog we don’t believe this is necessary. Instead we focus on how to look good while doing something you love. We want to help you choose the right golf clothes so you look and feel great whether you are playing golf in the rain, snow or even if it’s simply warm out.
Our first tip: choose an outfit that fits your body type
Most men will have a few different cuts of pants that work well for them when they play golf – no matter what season it is. So, instead of worrying about “what to wear for golf” you should consider “what kind of pants should I wear for my game”.
The key
I have tried to reduce the number of variables I consider. I have abandoned any thought of trying to dress for a golf course that is less than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Golfers are hardy people, so home-freezing temperatures are not a problem. In winter I suggest keeping your hands warm and wearing at least fingerless leather gloves unless you are playing in a warm climate or going to a very dry course.
In cold weather you may want to wear a lot of clothes, but most of them will be wind resistant. If it’s cold where you live, you’ll probably want two different sets of clothes, one for winter and one for spring or fall. To separate your clothes from each other, I recommend either wearing windproof hiking pants with windproof hiking boots or wearing the same outfit under several layers. You can also make your own insulated arctic parka with sheepskin and fleece linings by following this link: http://www.dioniagolfingcompany.com/Womens%20Arctic%20Parka%20-%20Women’s%20Winter%20Dress_p_174.html
If it’s hot where you live, then cut out all the overcoats and anything that is not specifically
When you walk into a golf course in winter, it’s not the weather that’s cold, it’s the ground. The ground is hard, and your feet are either bare or in wet socks and shoes. And that means your hands are cold too.
The problem is two-fold: you want to be warm but still able to swing the club, and you want to be mobile without losing feeling in your fingers. So make sure you wear wool. (Or cotton.)
I have to apologize in advance: I’m a golfer, and I’m going to make fun of golfers.