Proper Putting Help To Stop 3-Putting

Proper Putting Help To Stop 3-Putting

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Tips To Stop 3-Putting: Improve Your Putting Game

By Ricky Levesque on May 15, 2013 in Golf Putting Tips, Golf Tips, How To Putt In Golf, Improve Your Golf Game | No comments

If you are looking for a way to improve your putting game, then you have come to the right place. I have created this blog specifically to help you find ways to stop three putting. Three putting is one of the worst feelings in golf and can ruin an otherwise great round. Even if you are a pretty decent putter, I am sure there is always room for improvement and making more putts could lead to better scores.

Proper Putting Help To Stop 3-Putting

Every golfer at one time or another has putted the ball a good distance and then missed the second putt. It’s frustrating, but it can be avoided. There are a few things you can do to make sure your second putt is not too long. When you have a long first putt that breaks in some direction, it is important to know how much energy to give the ball. You don’t want to give it too little or you will be faced with a long second putt. You also don’t want to give it too much because you’ll just be left with another long first putt.

One way to figure out how much energy to give your ball is by using the green reading book that many golf courses offer at their pro shops. If you are new to golf, though, this may not be an option for you. So, here is a simple trick:

1) Take several practice strokes back and forth on the line of your putt and look at how far the ball travels each time (you only need two or three practice strokes).

2) Pick out an object on the green that is roughly the distance between where your ball is and where you want it to end up

If you’re a golfer, you’ve probably experienced the pain of 3-putting before. If you find yourself 3-putting more than you’d like, read on to learn how to stop 3-putting and start saving strokes on the green.

You can’t 3-putt if your first putt is within 1 foot from the hole. Therefore, proper putting technique is essential to avoid leaving yourself with a long second putt.

Your putting stroke should be smooth and consistent, which will allow for better control of speed and direction. An easy way to achieve this is to practice a pendulum stroke by placing your feet together and allowing them to touch throughout the entire stroke. This motion will help eliminate unnecessary movements that cause inconsistency in distance and direction.

If you want to stop 3-putting, you need to make sure that your first putt is always on target. Aiming and alignment are key elements in any good putting game. The best way to ensure that your putts are hitting their mark is by making sure that your eyes are directly over the ball at address, and that they remain over the ball through impact (don’t look up early!). Aiming directly at the hole will also help prevent 3-putting.


The number one complaint I get from my golf students is that they leave putts short. They tell me that they go to the practice green to try to fix it and they still can’t figure out how to make their putts get to the hole.

If you’re a golfer who has this problem, I’m going to share with you a drill that will help you stop 3-putting and give you more confidence on the putting green.

The reason most golfers leave their putts short is because they are afraid of hitting their putts too hard. This fear comes from not understanding the speed of the greens, having poor distance control, or both.

To become more confident over your putts, you must have a solid understanding of how fast the greens are running.

The putter is one of the most important golf clubs in your bag. It is the one club that you will use a majority of the time during a round of golf. Knowing how to properly use your putter is just as important as knowing how to properly use all of the other clubs in your bag. When putting, you want to keep your eyes directly over the ball so that you can see the target line and aim for where you want to hit the ball.

To strike a putt cleanly, you will need to make sure that your weight is evenly distributed between both feet and that your knees are relaxed. You will also want to ensure that your shoulders are square and facing directly at the target line. The alignment of your shoulders will determine where the club face is pointing at address, so be sure you are lined up properly before hitting any putt.

Once you are lined up and ready to take a stroke, it is important to keep your head steady and behind the ball throughout the entire putting motion. If your head moves off-line during this time, it could affect where you end up striking the ball on its path towards the hole. Remember: Your head should be still, not moving around!

“Golf is a game where the ball lies poorly and the players well.” Source unknown.

There are many reasons for putting poorly. It may be that your grip isn’t right or you don’t keep your head still during the stroke (i.e., you “lift” your head) or maybe your alignment is poor. and so on. But, one of the most common problems with putting is not accelerating the putter through impact.

When golfers accelerate the putter head through impact, they tend to hit solid putts more often than when they decelerate through impact. I know it seems like common sense to decelerate because you don’t want to hit the ball too far past the hole, but there are two things that happen when you decelerate through impact; first, it’s almost impossible to time it perfectly and second, when you do get it just right, you usually hit it too softly and leave yourself with a lot of putts coming back at you.

I’m not saying that people who accelerate through impact don’t miss putts short or long — they do — but if this is the only problem you have with your putting, then start accelerating through impact a bit more and watch your putting improve.

A quick search on Google for “Google Blog Search” will provide you with a list of all the other blogs that are available, and that you can use to improve your game.

A blog is basically an online journal, where you are able to post your thoughts and opinions about anything you like. In this case, you will be able to write about your golf game, and the things that you have learned from it, as well as what you think about it.

If you want to read more about the subject of golfing and golfing tips, then I suggest that you head over to and purchase a book called “Golf Tips And Tricks”. This book is written by a professional golf player who has won numerous tournaments in his lifetime. He also has been featured in many newspaper articles about his life as a golfer.

Another great way to find out more about golfing is by reading some of the many books that are available on this topic. The most popular ones are “The Masters”, and “Tiger Woods: The World’s Greatest Golfer”. If you have never played golf before then I would recommend reading these two books first before going out and buying any other books on the subject.

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