Playing Golf Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Playing Golf Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

You wake up bright and early on the weekend. You have no plans and you love golfing. Golf is your passion, but what can you do? You live in a city and the closest course is 40 minutes away. Not only that, but it costs a small fortune. The greens fees alone are $50 and if you want to rent a cart, you better be prepared to fork over another $25 plus tax. That’s not even taking into account the cost of gas for your car or the clubs, shoes, balls and other accessories that you need for golfing. So, what are your options?

Well, there is one more alternative: Aqua Golf! Aqua Golf lets you golf all year round in a tropical paradise setting with waterfalls and streams. You can go anytime with the minimal cost of only $5 per person. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining or snowing; Aqua Golf will always be open because it is inside!

Aqua Golf is also very safe because there are no roaming stray balls or flying clubs that could injure an innocent bystander. This brings me to my next point: golfing at an actual course can be dangerous to your health! A golfer recently hit his ball into

My wife and I have been members of the same golf club for over six years. My wife is a good golfer. She plays in tournaments and has even won a couple of them. I am not so good.

I also play less than she does. I like to play, but I don’t make it a priority, as she does. I usually play on weekends, when my wife is busy doing other things or playing in tournaments.

When we first joined the club six years ago, I was an average golfer, who could do reasonably well on easy courses, but had trouble on more difficult ones. But last year I discovered that playing golf can be dangerous to your health!

I played in a tournament at our club that was held in late May of this year (2010). Our weather was very hot for most of the day and there were times when even drinking water wasn’t enough to keep me hydrated and safe from heatstroke. Several people fainted during the tournament and had to be taken to the hospital. One person died!

Afterwards, when I thought about my experience during that day, which everyone else had also endured with varying degrees of suffering, I realized that golf can be dangerous if you are not careful!

My problem is

There are many risks that come with playing golf. From the risk of falling, to getting stung or bitten by a critter, to being struck by lightning. It seems like there are a lot of dangers out there in the world of golfing. Here are some things that you can take into consideration while golfing:

1.) Watch where you step, especially when it is wet outside and you are on the green. There is a reason why you see many golfers fall when they are lining up their putts. The grass is very slippery and wet which makes it easy to slip and fall. Instead of falling flat on your face, you can do something to minimize the risk of this happening. Be sure to wear proper footwear, such as golf shoes with spikes or rubber soles so they don’t slip on the grass easily.

2.) Wear sunscreen! Even if it is cold out, always slather on that sunscreen because even if the sun isn’t beating down on you and making it hot out there, it doesn’t mean that you are safe from the rays. Sunscreen should be worn year round and not just during the summer months!

3.) If you must use a cart for your own personal reasons, be sure to drive carefully and look before

I have been a longtime golf player and I have experienced the pains and aches that have come along with playing this sport. Golf is an amazing sport that challenges you to use your mind, strength and skill to be successful. It is a great way to stay in shape and meet new people.

It can also be very dangerous. Golf injuries are mostly self-inflicted, caused by overuse of muscles or poor swing mechanics as well as lack of proper warm-up. Golfing can take its toll on your back, shoulders, hands, elbows, knees and feet.

If you are thinking about taking up golf or are a current golfer who wants to avoid getting injured here are some tips for safe play:

• Warm-up before teeing off. Don’t just start swinging the club wildly without first stretching out the muscles you will be using during your game.

• Don’t let your ego get in the way of making smart decisions on the course. There is nothing wrong with taking a drop when needed or considering using a tee on some of the longer shots.

Golf is a dangerous sport. Golfers have been known to sustain serious injuries from swinging the golf club, walking the course, and even being hit by a golf ball traveling at high speeds. While some of these injuries are simply accidents that cannot be prevented, many of them can be avoided.

Golf is a wonderful sport for people of all ages to enjoy. It’s also great exercise if you walk the course rather than ride in a cart. However, it does take its toll on your body when you swing that heavy club or walk 18 holes (or more) in one day. Many people suffer from back pain following a round of golf and never realize how badly they hurt themselves.

In addition to swinging the golf club and carrying your bag, your back is also under strain while you’re bending over to putt, chip or tee off. Your neck can take quite a beating as well if you’re not careful with the way your hold it when looking down at your ball or up towards the green.

The Golf Ball

Golf balls are one of the hardest things on a golf course. The ball is hit at such a high velocity that it can cause serious injuries if it hits you in the eye or any other vital part of the body. In most cases, it does not cause serious damage, but there have been cases where people have been seriously hurt by a golf ball.*

I have just returned from a week of golfing in the Algarve, Portugal. I am pretty sure I am not alone in finding that my game has not improved much over the past few years. In fact, there is plenty of research to back up this phenomenon: it appears that age brings with it a tendency to become more conservative and more prone to injury.

Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has shown that the number of injuries sustained on the golf course increases with age.

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