7 Golfers Presenting with the Same Issue You Face: A blog about common issues with golfers (and how to fix them)
Golf is a great sport, but it can be frustrating and difficult at times. One of the most common issues most golfers face is an inconsistent ball flight. This can lead to poor distance control and off-center strikes. The good news is that there are some simple fixes you can make when you’re on the course or even at home that will help eliminate this problem from your game.
Improve Your Posture
Improving your posture is one of the easiest ways to improve your ball flight. Many players have a tendency to stand too far away from the ball, which results in thin shots or topped shots due to excessive forward shaft lean at impact. To help prevent this, try standing closer to the ball with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent so that you feel balanced throughout your swing. Be sure not to move too far back on your heels or too far forward on your toes as this will cause poor balance as well as poor contact with the ball itself!
Make Sure Your Clubface Is Square
Another easy way to improve ball striking is by making sure your clubface is square at impact. If it isn’t
Golfers present with the same issues time and time again. And its not hard to see why. Golf is one of the most popular sports in the UK and the world. But its no secret how difficult it can be to break into the professional ranks.
In this blog, I’ll talk about some of the common issues golfers face and how to correct them. For example, a golfer may have trouble maintaining shoulder tilt during their swing or may show signs of over swinging.
Then, I’ll go into detail about how we’ve helped 7 different golfers overcome these issues, giving you an insight into what goes on in a golf coaching session. These are real people from my golf coaching practice!
Hopefully you’ll find something relevant to your situation here and it’ll give you the head start you need with your game!
In our last blog post, we discussed 7 common issues that golfers face. You may have thought to yourself “Hey! I have that issue, too!”
As well you should. These are the most common challenges facing golfers today. And we can help you with them.
But how?
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The golf season is upon us and this is a great time to re-assess your body and golf swing as you prepare for another season of golf. The most common issues I see in my practice with amateur golfers are rotator cuff issues, wrist pain, low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and neck issues.
There is a common thread amongst many of these issues that leads to the development of these problems: shoulder instability. In a properly functioning shoulder the shoulder blade (scapula) should move freely on the rib cage allowing for optimal shoulder motion and function. When this motion is limited it can lead to other issues developing in other parts of the body as the body seeks out ways to compensate for this dysfunction.
The most common issue I see with amateur golfers that leads to these compensation patterns is poor posture. Many people spend hours each day hunched over their computer screens or steering wheels in a flexed, rounded position with the shoulders forward. This position leads to tightening of some muscles in the back (rhomboids) and chest (pectorals) while others become weak and inhibited (middle trapezius). When this happens, there are two major problems that occur:
1. Loss of scapular stability
If you’ve ever had the chance to play a round of golf with me, you know I’m not the best player on the course. My swing is hardly perfect, but I’m always looking for ways to improve it.
I’ve played golf since I was 10 years old and I still struggle with my swing. But I don’t let that get me down.
I love this game too much to give up on it.
My passion for golf has led me to help others who are struggling with their own games, so they can experience the joy that golf can bring.
Golf is more than just a recreational activity for me; it’s helped me build lifelong friendships. It’s also taught me some valuable life lessons along the way:
– Work hard to achieve your goals.
– Don’t be afraid to try something new.
– Make sure you have fun while doing it!
Golf instruction can be broken down into different parts. There is the physical aspect of golf, which deals with the players body and how it functions during the golf swing. Then there is the mental aspect, which deals with how a golfer approaches the game and how his or her mind functions under pressure. And finally there are technical aspects of swing mechanics.
Golfers will often have a difficult time improving their game because they do not know which area to focus on first. The technical aspects of a golf swing are easier to see than the physical and mental aspects, so that is where most golfers begin their search for improvement. Unfortunately, this is not always the best place to start, as new facts and figures don’t mean much to a golfer unless he or she has enough knowledge and experience to know what to do with them.
It is not just that I play golf, it is that I am a golfer. It wasn’t always like that. At first, when I was still at school, I played tennis in the summer and tennis in the winter. But for some reason golf got into my blood, and now it’s hard to imagine life without it.
This passion for playing golf has one consequence: I have no money left at the end of each month! To me all those things like paying bills and going to the supermarket are just “not fun”, so I’d rather spend my money on new golf clubs or a round of golf.
I am sure there are other people who feel the same way. You see them on television, talking about how they love their sport, but then in the papers you read about them going bankrupt. If only they could earn as much money from playing their favorite sport as they spend on it! Well, now maybe it’s possible…
When I discovered this website, http://www.golf-sale.net/, which offers a way of earning money from playing golf (or other sports), I couldn’t believe my eyes! They say it’s real, and you don’t need to be an expert – anyone can do it.