What Is the Right Golf Grip? A blog comparing different golf grips and their relevance.

Frequently, I get asked what the “right golf grip” is. What I generally tell the individual is that there is no one correct grip for everyone, but rather a couple of different grips that will work for each individual golfer depending on their level of skill, size and shape of hands, and comfort level.

I would say that there are two basic golf grips; the overlapping grip and the interlocking grip. These two grips are the most used in competitive golf today.

The Overlapping Grip

The overlapping grip is when the golfer overlaps the little finger of their right hand (for the right handed golfer) on top of the index finger on their left hand. Using this method, you can see three to five knuckles of your left hand depending on how much you overlap. There are some players that use a variation of this grip by placing the right hand in between the index and middle finger on their left hand. This variation is not used as often as the traditional overlap, however it is still used by many professional players today.

Benefits: It’s easier to maintain control over your club face with this grip which can help reduce slicing or hooking your shots. The overlapping grip allows players to get a stronger hold on their clubs which

a golf grip is the best way to start putting together a good golf swing. The grip is the only point of contact between your body and the club, and it’s your hands that control the club face. If you’ve got a poor grip then no matter what you do with the rest of your body or how you swing, you’re not going to hit a good shot. So these are some things to consider when choosing your grip:

1) The first thing to consider is your hand size. Do you have big hands? If so, you’ll probably find it easiest to learn with a baseball style grip (10 fingers on the club).

2) Then think about your hand strength. Do you have strong fingers? Strong wrists? If not, then you’ll probably want to use a different style of grip for some shots than for others.

3) Also think about how much room your hands have in relation to each other (and don’t forget how much room they take up on the club).

4) What kind of swing do you have? A baseball style grip will probably make it easier for most people learning how to swing with less effort from their arms and shoulders; however, if this doesn

A golf grip is the only direct contact with the club that a golfer has so it is understandable that there is much debate over which one is best.

The purpose of a golf grip is to help the golfer send the ball in the direction they desire. In theory, if you have the perfect swing, any golf grip would do. However, in reality, some grips do work better than others for different types of people and swings.

As with all things in golf, what works for one player may not work for another, a good rule of thumb is to experiment with different ones until you find something that works for you.

The simplest answer to the question is that “the right grip” is the one that works for you. The problem with that is, what does “works” mean? Do we mean distance? Accuracy? Consistency?

This is why there are so many different variations of grips for golfers. Everyone has their own idea of what works for them and the best way to improve their game. While I am certainly no expert on the subject, I did research the topic and came up with some interesting information. Let’s take a look at some of the common golf grips used by professionals today.

The Vardon Overlapping Grip – This grip is used by many PGA professionals as well as most amateurs who have been playing for years. It takes its name from Harry Vardon who won seven major championships in his career.

The overlap grip has a lot of benefits, including reduced hand pressure which allows for a more relaxed swing. The biggest advantage of this grip is it’s ability to keep your hands quiet while swinging through impact which creates less clubface rotation and a straighter shot.

One disadvantage of the overlap grip, if not done correctly, can be reduced power due to less control over club head speed (this happened with me when I first started using

There are many different ways to grip a golf club. The most popular grip style is the overlapping grip, but this is not necessarily the best. There are other styles that may suit your particular swing. Below I will outline three of the most common grips and discuss their pros and cons.

Overlap Grip

The overlapping grip style is used by roughly 90% of professional golfers, it is considered the most reliable and best way to hold a golf club. By putting the little finger of your right hand between your left forefinger and index finger you can feel confident that the club will be held in place firmly and consistently through each swing. This is particularly useful for those with a strong tendency to slice (hit right). However some players with very flexible hands have been known to lose control of the club when using this grip.

Interlock Grip

Using the interlocking grip method, you simply place your fingers together like a puzzle, or as if you were holding hands with yourself. This has the same effect of keeping your club from flying off on its own during the swing, but feels a bit more intuitive for some players who find it hard to adjust their hands into an overlap position. A major downside to using this grip however is that you lose some independence in your hands which


Place the club in the fingers of your left hand (for a right-handed player), with the thumb pointing down the shaft. Then place your right hand on the club. The “V’s” created by the thumb and forefinger of each hand should point between your chin and nose. If you look down at your hands from this position, you will see that they are interlocked.

A strong grip, with both “V’s” pointing to your body, is played by those who hook or slice the ball, as well as by many professionals who can control their shots enough not to hook or slice too often. A weak grip, with both “V’s” pointing up toward your head, is played by people who fade or draw the ball but rarely hook or slice.

Each golfer must use his own judgment to decide where on this scale his grip should be. But we strongly advise you to use a full, overlapping grip unless you have a very good reason for choosing otherwise. This means that when you hold out your hands and look down at them, you will see that part of the little finger of one hand overlaps with the other hand.

The best grip for the golf swing is the style that promotes a straight line to the ball and a square face at impact. I believe that if you are having trouble with your hook or slice, your grip may be too strong or too weak. The best golfers in the world have great grips and so should you.

There are three basic types of grips for the golf club: strong, neutral and weak. A strong grip means that the back of your left hand (for right handed players) faces more to the right of target than the palm of your hand. A neutral grip has your back hand facing just slightly to the right of target and a weak grip has your back hand facing directly at target.

A strong grip promotes a draw and a weak grip promotes a fade. If you are losing control of the ball to either side, it is most likely due to an improper grip. If your shot is curving to the right, then you probably have too strong of a grip on the club, which will promote more hooking and slicing shots. If your shot is curving to the left, then you probably have too weak of a grip on the club, which will promote more slices and pulls.

The majority of amateurs usually have too strong of a grip

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