The Truth About Golf Shafts: A blog about the truth behind golf shafts and real factors that affect golf swing.
One of the most famous quotes about golf came from the great Sam Snead when he said, “The secret to good golf is keeping the ball in play.”
Nowadays, the golf swing is one of the most talked about and analyzed topics in sports. There are many theories out there that claim to have found the secret to a perfect golf swing.
However, there’s one aspect of the game that has been overlooked by most players and even professionals: Golf shafts.
The Truth About Golf Shafts
The Truth About Golf Shafts: A blog about the truth behind golf shafts and real factors that affect golf swing.
Golf Shaft Basics
Posted by Jeremy on 12th June in Golf Shaft Basics, New To Golf
Most golfers don’t realize that the shaft is probably the most important component of a golf club. The shaft flexes during the swing causing the head of a club to accelerate through impact and impart spin on the ball. It’s also the only part of a club that is actually in contact with your body, so it’s essential that you get one that fits you properly.
Do I need a stiff shaft or a regular shaft?
Every golfer has different needs when it comes to choosing a shaft. If you have a slow to moderate swing speed then you will need to have a flexible shaft because it will be able to help you generate more clubhead speed and therefore distance. When less clubhead speed is generated in your swing, your shaft won’t flex as much during your swing and therefore less energy will be transferred from the club to the ball at impact. A regular flex shaft is generally for players with average swing speeds ranging from 80-95 mph depending on their skill level. The
The Truth About Golf Shafts is a blog about the truth behind golf shafts and real factors that affect golf swing.
For years, many golfers and club fitters have been misled by the marketing messages of major club manufacturers, who claim their products are superior because of one particular characteristic. While these claims may be true, they often neglect to mention that a golfer will likely not benefit from any of them unless other variables are taken into consideration first.
Take for example the common claim that steel shafts are better than graphite shafts because they provide more “feel” during the swing. While this may be true for some golfers, it does not take into account whether or not those same golfers have a smooth transition and release (aka “lag”) in their swings. Without these factors working together properly, it’s unlikely that any shaft material will provide much improvement on its own.
Hi, I’m Mike and this is my blog. Here you will find the truth behind golf shafts and real factors that affect your golf swing. Please feel free to comment along the way.
I use several different types of shafts in my own golf game and will share what I have learned about them through my personal experiences. Whether you are a beginner or expert golfer, I hope to provide you with some information that you can use to improve your game and lower your scores. Let’s go!
Golf shafts are the most misunderstood piece of golf equipment by far. In the golf industry, you cannot get the truth about golf unless you speak to a real expert in golf shafts. If you do not, then you are wasting your time and money on a product that will not benefit your game. The only way that a golfer can improve his or her game is to understand the physics behind the golf swing and how it affects each indivdual golfer differently.
Your swing is made up of hundreds of components, including shafts, and every single part of your swing is designed to work together with all other parts to create a complete motion that creates a powerful and accurate shot. The only way to ensure that your golf clubs perform at their best is to choose equipment that is specifically suited for your body types and personal playing style.
When it comes to choosing a shaft for your golf clubs, there is a wealth of information on the internet. Sorry, I couldn’t resist that pun. The problem is that most of it is wrong.
Before you can choose a shaft, we must first understand what the shaft does. The purpose of the shaft is to transmit the energy created by your swing to the ball. This energy is expressed in two ways; club head speed and club head rotation. These two factors are controlled by how the shaft is designed and how much torque (resistance to rotation) each shaft has.
The more torque a shaft has, the more a golfer will have to release their wrists (straighten their lead wrist during impact) or lose club head speed at impact. The less torque (stiffer shaft) a golfer uses, they will retain more club head speed during impact because they will have less resistance during their swing when releasing their wrists at impact.
This being said, if you choose too stiff of a shaft, your tendency may be not to release at all which will cause you to lose power and create a fade or slice type shot pattern.
Golf club golf shafts are an essential part of a golf club. Without them, we would have no way to hit the ball, and although the ball is the main part of the game, we need to be hitting it with something!
Golf shafts are almost always made out of graphite or steel. Nowadays, graphite is what most people go for, because it’s very light weight and is more flexible than steel. It is also more expensive, but I’ve found that it’s well worth the extra cost.
Steel shafts are heavier, but they are also stronger than graphite. Many people prefer steel because of this, but I haven’t found that this makes any real difference in how far you hit the ball or in your overall control of your golf club.